Samalicious- Little Brother

I call him Samalicious because he is. He's just delicious. I like to smoosh my face down on his warm, downy little head. He's such an easy going soul. Once we got past the six week mark, he became such a little joy. He loves for anyone to talk to him. He will stare into your eyes and smile huge smiles if you even glance at him. He smiles more than any baby I ever met. He smiles if you put him down on the changing table because he knows that for a minute or two he has a captive audience.
He also talks more than any newborn I've known. Constant sighs and coos and the clearest "Goo" imaginable. He's a loud baby in general. He snores and wheezes and when he cries, everyone can hear him.
He has settled into a nap routine and I am able to anticipate his tired times and put him in his crib awake. I place him in the crib and he glances up at me, smiles and then waits for me to insert the paci. I do and he buries his head into his crib (he lies on his side) and goes to sleep. I can't believe that is working, but it is. It's great, because anyone can put him down. In the evening he likes to fuss from 7pm till 8pm. We hold and rock him and let him have his fuss. He needs to have it I think. It's not so bad especially since Michael and I take turns.
Sam happily sleeps in his sling as I chase Davis around Tempe. He goes from bouncer to activity mat to boppy to crib in a half hour rotation. He doesn't usually mind being put down and when he does, his sweet spot is up on your shoulder with his face in the crook of your neck. He loves that. Sometimes he will fuss and you don't know what's wrong and when you put him up in his sweet spot his whole body relaxes and he is happy.
I'm not saying he's always easy. I get pretty frustrated when he and Davis need me at the same time. I wish that Sam wouldn't scream when he realizes he's been put in the car. And I wish he wouldn't always wake up from nap when I'm in the middle of my workout. It is indeed frustrating and sometimes I stomp over to him just wanting to shut that kid up with his little "I need" grunts and whimpers. Sometimes I'm tired of being needed. But when I pick him and smell his sweet baby smell and his little body relaxes against mine, I always calm down. It's impossible to stay mad at him.
Tomorrow Sam will be three months old. He has spent half his life here in Arizona. I can't wait for some of you to get to spend time with him and get to know this sweet little baby.


Kat Ogden said…
PS That was me, from Katie.

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