American Idol and Tony Bennett

I love reality TV. Of course, if you know me, you already know that. Each day is defined by what program Davis is enrolled in and what reality show comes on TV that night. Last night was American Idol. I like this show. It's not my favorite and I like that I have DVR so I can fast forward through the boring bits, but last night it was really fun. The mentor for the evening was Tony Bennett. This man is awesome. I now HAVE to get the Tony Bennett duets CD so I can put it on my Ipod. I added it to my wish list (hint, hint).
So each of the contestants sang one of the great Standards. Usually during theme weeks, some of the contestants just Hoover in a big way. The theme doesn't fit their voice or style and it shows. But this week they were all great. You know why? Because the standards are amazing. These songs become classics because they are truly wonderful. The stories they tell and the mood they create are timeless. New, hip and contemporary music just can't always do this. (Oh god, I think I'm an old fogey.)
Anyway, I was inspired to go vote Melinda (as usual) and throw a few in for Phil, cause though he's a bit googly eyed, the man can sing. By the way, have you ever shut your eyes and just listened the Melinda sing? I would love to have her CD anytime. Okay enough American Idol gushing. I have to get ready for Lost tonight and Survivor on Thursday.


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