Toothy business and my big boy

I have two big updates today. The first is that Sam has TWO new teeth. He was inconsolable the last two days and yesterday I felt the ridge of the first tooth. Last night he really didn't sleep at all and this morning I looked down into his screaming mouth and saw two little white teeth peeking up at me from his bottom gum. I can't believe that it has happened already. Sam is not even four and a half months yet. Davis didn't get his first tooth till seven months. I'm a little sad that my baby is getting big so fast. I loved his little gummy smile. Sigh.
The second update is that Davis went in for his two year well baby checkup today and came out with flying colors. He weighs 29 pounds and is in the 60% for weight. He's 34.8 inches tall and is in the- drumroll please-60% for height! He grew! He's no longer my little munchkin boy. He was great in the doctor's office and didn't even cry when he got his shot. The doctor was impressed with both his vocabulary and motor skills.
My little boys and growing up before my eyes. They're only getting more fun and more exciting every day though. But now I need all my friends to have babies so that I can tickle and cuddle them and look at toothless smiles to my heart's content without having to take them home and teach them to sleep.


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