Sam's a big boy!

Yesterday Shana and Kalli were over for a playdate and Shana asked me if I had given Sam solids yet. I hadn't, but we decided to do it then. I pulled out the rice cereal and added a little water. I threw it in the microwave and grabbed a spoon. Shana held him in her lap and I started shoveling the food in. He loved it. He tried to feed himself with the spoon. He swallowed huge bites and leaned forward for more. He ate it all! Then he tried to get the bowl.
This is pretty funny since we did Davis' first meal attempt in a much less casual manner. With Davis we waited until Michael was home. Then I pumped and we mixed the rice cereal with breastmilk and bananas. Then we placed him in his highchair, turned on the video camera and then I offered some of the mixture on my index finger. Davis hated it! He spit it out and refused it for three more months. Very different babies. Or maybe also very different parents. The second time around is soooooo different.
Sam is growing so fast and doing everything so much sooner than Davis did. Sam is now getting up on all fours and rocking and then inchworming his way forward. He'll be crawling any day now. He's sitting now for up to a minute with no support and without even leaning on his hands. He can also hold his weight while standing and holding on to something.
And he has moved up into size three diapers. No more sweet little swaddler diapers. He in the cruisers! How could this be happening so fast? I realized he might need new diapers soon, but when I took him into the doctor on Monday (he has impetigo on his neck), they weighed him and he was 17 pounds. So when Michael went to the drugstore to pick up his prescription, he also picked up a pack of size three diapers.
Where does the time go?


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