Domestic Mom Report

I want to blog, I just don't feel like I have anything exciting to report. I'm a mom.
These last two weeks, I've been a single mom while Michael has been working out of town. It's been hard, but doable. I usually do well for the first twelve hours of my shift, but that last hour before the kids go to bed is really hard. I just take really deep breaths and keep going.
This week we had a lot of rain, but we are all fine. I actually usually like rainy weather, but it does limit the areas in which you can let your toddler run.
Here's the big news of the week: Sam is sleeping through the night! For the first time in about a year, it also means that I am sleeping through the night. I had him down to a once a night feeding, but the last few times I did it, I noticed that we were both sleeping through it so I just decided not to do it anymore. He woke up and cried few a few minutes every couple of hours or so the first night, but not hard and not very convincingly. Ever since then he's just slept without a peep from 6:30PM to 6:30AM. Twelve hours of sleeping bliss. For both boys. Ahhhhh.
Sam has also managed to cut four new teeth. That makes a grand total of six. You could tell it hurt him though, he kept sucking at his lips and making this painful expression. I hope we're done with teeth for a few weeks.
And for his final feat of the week, Sam has learned to crawl on all fours. It's so sweet to watch such a tiny little baby crawling like a big boy. And he's still getting the hang of it so he lifts his hands really high as he reaches forward. I'm so proud I'm busting my buttons.
Davis has spent the week missing his Daddy. He talks about him all the time. He also talks all the time. About everything. He pretends he's on the phone a lot. He makes up songs about all the different types of transportation. He reads books to himself and begs me to read them. And he cuddles. My non-cuddly boy has started really cuddling and I love it.
As far as me well, I'm a housewife. I've cleaned and vacuumed and done laundry and cooked and paid bills and taken care of the children. I've also been doing the south beach diet and finally gotten down to my real pre-baby weight. My body doesn't look the same though that's for sure and my clothes still don't fit either.
I've been daydreaming about travel. It looks like we'll plan some sort of trip soon. If anyone wants to go somewhere with us speak now! And I'm re-reading Harry Potter and really enjoying it.
We've been to visit my parents twice this week and plan to go to Houston tomorrow to spend the weekend with Michael's parents. Michael's dad is being honored in a big to-do and we're going to help him celebrate.
And Michael plans to take test number three out of five tomorrow morning. I'm betting big money that he will pass it.
And that's all. Just a sort of domestic mom report. Love, Amber


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