Happy Birthday Michael!

Saturday was Michael's birthday. He turned 36. It was a pretty low key birthday. The boys and I woke him up with kisses and presents and we had pancakes for breakfast. Later, we met Marchelle for lunch at Freddie's Place. Davis loves the playground there and we enjoyed a surprisingly cool midday breeze while sitting at the picnic table. Davis astounded Marchelle with his knowledge of his ABC's and counting. We read the chronicle and imagined what we would do if we were still childless. Then we went back to enjoying our children. ;) Saturday evening Michael chose to play video games on our big TV. From all the booming and gunshot noises downstairs, I think he had a pretty good time.
We had plans to go to the hotsauce festival on Sunday, but it was REALLY hot, so we decided to take a mini road trip instead. We drove to Bastrop and explored the new Hyatt Lost Pines Resort. It was very, very nice and we hope to go stay there for a weekend away very soon. Sunday evening, we had our usual date night and Michael got to choose. We went to see Ratatouille at the movie theatre. It was a really cute movie.
And that was our birthday weekend. Today was a great day. Davis learned and executed his very first joke. I'll try to get a video of him doing it and post it. Davis and Sam are beginning to play together and it is so fun to watch. We got to spend our afternoon with Katie and Soren at Ruta Maya and everyone had a good time. It was just one of those days when everything goes smoothly and I can really appreciate and adore the kids.
This rest of this week is all about getting ready for Labor Day Weekend. Our wonderful friends Shana and Justin and their little girl Kalli are coming to visit us from Phoenix. Michael is taking days off from work and we are going to treat it like a vacation. I have a tentative schedule planned, but let us know if you have any good suggestions for us. I'll give you a full report.


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