My body is letting me down

I’ve been having muscle/joint pain for years intermittently. I was tested for it once in college and was told it was stress and I was put on anti anxiety medication that didn’t work. Since then I’ve sucked it up and dealt with it. I pretty much assumed that everybody's bones and muscles hurt when they tried to relax in the evenings.
The last month or so I’ve been wiped out tired. I’ve had mood swings, headaches. My weight loss has stepped up tremendously and I’ve shed ten more pounds. Then last week the muscle/joint pain got worse and worse and worse. Starting last Tuesday I could barely function. I was up all night cramped into a ball. I went to the doctor Wednesday for a round of tests. They’re guessing fibromyalgia. We’re going to test for the usual suspects like Lyme disease and Lupus mainly to rule them out. Then they’ll send me to a rheumatologist. I’m so bummed. I’m too busy to be sick. My plate is already full thank you very much. The good news is that the medicine seems to be helping. Yesterday I barely ached at all. Of course, the medicine has side effects, and my mouth feels like it's full of cotton, and I'm feeling a little groggy, but that's better than hurting.
Let’s all cross our fingers that we figure out what's wrong very soon, and that it's something easy to cure and that will go away quickly.
And that’s all I can really say about this right now.
Much love, Amber


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