School Days

Davis is at school today. He started his two morning a week program this morning at our neighborhood child care center. I love his school. The sent home a 20 page packet to be filled out and did a home visit and everything. We went to open house last Friday and Davis has been talking about school ever since. Each morning I ask him what he would like to do that day and he tells me, "Go to school! And play with trucks! And make them go fast on the slide!", because that's what he did at the open house.
Drop off time is half an hour past when Sammy usually goes down for his nap, so I showed up this morning with a fussy baby about five minutes early in the hopes that I could drop Davis off and rush home to put Sam down. Davis rushed in and ran straight for the trucks. I dropped off the large bag of school supplies, (yes! school supplies for my two year old!) and called out to Davis to tell him I was leaving. I got no response. Just loud zooming noises from behind the cubby wall. I yelled again, "I love you!! I'll be back soon!" Still nothing. So I shrugged and said goodbye to the teacher and left.
In the two hours since I dropped him off, I've worked out, taken a shower, plucked my eyebrows, checked my email and written a blog entry. I've got to go wake up Sam now and pick up Davis since the first day is just a half day. I'm liking this childcare thing.


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