10 Months Old

Our Sammy is a big boy. Today he is ten months old. That feels so old to me. And it feels like it's happened so fast. He is babbling up a storm these days. He loves to cruise around holding on to a chair or my fingers. He adores his brother and tries to do everything that Davis does. Sam is my little cuddle bunny. He loves to be held and gives big hugs. I love the way he feels when he snuggles up against me. He also is getting really good at independent play. He can crawl around the playroom exploring for huge chunks of time by himself. Sam has learned to wave hello and bye-bye and does it with great enthusiasm. He sleeps through the night and goes to bed awake and usually without any fuss. He naps twice a day for about an hour and a half each. He eats voraciously. We still nurse four times a day and in between we usually manage four full meals. We have moved on to finger foods and while we still do lots of baby food, we have added in a daily helping or two of grown up food as well. He's growing up so fast, my little one, and I love him so much. I just try to enjoy every single day with him as we learn together who he will become.


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