Happy Halloween!

We had a nice Halloween. Michael and Marchelle both rushed from work to make it to our house in time for costumes and partying. They both arrived at about the same time. We all threw on our costumes. Davis was Thomas the Train and I was a train conductor. Sam was a pirate and Michael was Captain Feathersword from the Wiggles. Marchelle was the devil.
Then we rushed out the door and ran three houses down the street to our friend Becky's house. She was having a little Halloween pizza party in her front lawn. All the neighborhood came and it was so much fun! The kids ran around and Davis sat down to the serious business of eating pizza. I think he ate three slices!
After the pizza was demolished we lined the kids up on the rock wall and took their picture. Michael got to participate since he had on a costume. And then we went trick or treating.
Davis had never been trick or treating before, but we had practiced earlier that afternoon at our own front door. He was so cute as he trudged up the first stairs with his little thomas slippers on. He did great! He remembered to say trick-or-treat and thank you. And then he ran on to the next house. As we went to our last house he was holding his bag with both hands. "It's so heavy!" he said, "It's got candy in there!!!".
Marchelle offered to help hand out candy as we gave the kids a bath and I put Sam down and then Michael and Davis rejoined her downstairs. Davis enjoyed handing out the candy to his friends and showing off his "candy" to Marchelle. (I had secretly dumped his candy into the basket to hand out and replaced it with fruit leathers, raisins, crayons and stickers.)
The whole evening was really sweet and fun. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
P.S. Happy Birthday Mom!


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