Sam's 1st Birthday

Today my baby is one. This year has flown by. My little tiny baby has grown into a little boy with a sweet, spunky personality and a quick smile. I thought I'd write a little update about him at this point in his life as a way to remember. Please indulge me and I hope you enjoy.
Sam's words so far are:
dadih (davis)
bye bye
A Ball (always the A first, I don't know why)
all done
uh oh
ah do ih (I do it)
Ahhhheeeiii (more)
He wakes at 6AM. Naps at 8:30 for an hour and a half. Naps again around 1 for an hour and goes to bed at about 6:30PM. He sleeps through the night. He still sleeps with a paci and his lovie. We've weaned as of today. (Sniff) He worships and adores Davis and follows him around and takes his abuse all day long. Sam isn't walking yet, but stands independently and has taken a few tentative steps. I think he's smart not to walk yet since everytime he stands up, Davis runs by and pushes him back down. He's the fastest crawler in the west. He's independent, but he still loves to cuddle and wrap his little arms tight around your neck. He loves music and the guitar and the piano. He sings and matches pitch. He LOVES balls. They're his favorite toy. He also loves cars and makes a vrooming noise when he plays with them. Wonder who he learned that from? He loves to empty the cabinets and throw tupperware every where.
Here is a slideshow we uploaded today for his birthday. I hope you enjoy. Love, Amber


Debbie said…
Happy belated birthday, Sam! I can't believe a year has passed.

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