the Kids

They are awesome. They play together all the time now. I am so, so glad we chose to have them so close together. I almost wish they were even closer in age. Davis is so fun. He speaks so well and he really understands so much as well. We can play board games now and imagination games. He writes and draws and sings and dances. He's totally potty trained and still always tells me the truth. He asks "why?" so often that Sam has picked up the word! Three is a very fun age so far.
Sam just follows Davis around absorbing everything like a sponge. They are very different boys, and I'm glad I had them in the order I had them. Davis is independent and has a long attention span. He's very stubborn and very strong willed. Sammy is not so independent and always wants someone around. Thankfully, Davis is there to help share those responsibilities. Better than that, Davis actually enjoys it! He's so glad that Sammy is old enough to play now. Sam is not interested in sitting down and watching a movie or reading a book like his brother though. He wants to run and play, and dance and throw a ball or pick a flower. He flits from one thing to another.
Both my boys talk and talk and talk. Sam has so many words now I can't keep up. Some are clear as a bell, others not so much. Here are some of them: guitar (tahtah), milk (kook), hat, hot, cup, up (Pup), apple, banana (ah Buh!), outside, cow, nose, eye, want to ride (wanawide), want to come, bite, want a bite, all done, cracker, no, lunch, bye, car, truck (tuck), tractor (tacktuh), pretty, flower (watuh), water (also watuh), night night, neigh, color (cooh), pee pee, pull. He also knows everybody's name including the dogs.
I'm so glad to be able to stay home with them each day. It's hard, but I would hate to be missing any of this. I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but once they've been asleep for a few hours I already miss them.
I've added some pictures and three new videos. I'll put one right in. We went to McKenna children's museum this weekend and it is AWESOME. We bought a membership and I hope you can come with us sometime. I've included pictures of that as well.
Love, Amber


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