Shades of Gray

I find that as I get older, I know less. What I mean is, I realize more and more that I don't know the exact answer and there are very few black and white issues for me anymore. I used to have opinions! I knew everything! I was judgemental!
Now I squirm when I'm faced with issues that I previously felt strongly about. I'm realizing that I live in a glass house and I am AFRAID to throw stones.
There was recently a discussion about planned c-sections on a discussion list of which I am a member. A lot of people had opinions. I felt like shouting at them to stop. It's everyone's own private business. How can you judge? And why do you want to? It's not just that. It's all sorts of things. People who make mistakes. I'm realizing that I make them all the time and I still think I'm a decent person. So many issues within childrearing fall in the shades of gray.
I don't have complete faith in my choice of where to draw the line anymore. I used to think one thing, then I lived it, then I changed my mind. The line moved. How do I know the line won't move again?
There are so many topics that I'm sure of. For example, breastfeeding your child, I think if you can do it, then you should try. It's best for the baby. I'm sure of it. But deep down inside I think maybe that's judgemental too. But it's not! But it might be! Ack! I need the comfort of my convictions.
Abortion, religion, politics, childrearing, marriage, friendships. Everybody has their stance on almost everything. And I hate people who are closed minded or think they have it all figured out. But don't I have strong opinions on all of those things too?
It's getting grayer and grayer in here. Is this a sign of getting older? Do you get less and less sure of what is right and wrong? Do you struggle through this realization of your own ignorance before you find the path? Is anyone feeling this?


Heather said…
I couldn't agree with you more.

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