Post Party Thoughts

Soup swap was fun. I was so excited and nervous to throw a party without Michael or my parents. I seldom do it. This little get together was something I had been looking forward to with great anticipation.
I left my house early enough to give me an hour at my parents place to get ready. It was hard to leave because Michael caught the bug we all had just kicked and was hanging over the toilet as I left. Luckily my mom came over and gave him a hand with the kids and saved the day. When I got to Austin, I realized I had given myself too much time and had about half an hour of wait time until the party started in which to get nervous.
Still, people arrived and I was thrilled. The soup selection was marvelous. We had eleven people attend and thirteen different kinds of soup. We had orzo soup, taco soup, gumbo, watermelon gazpacho, spring chili with pesto, cream of broccoli, roasted gazpacho, pork pozole, chicken coconut soup, summer chili, carrot, beef and lentil, Armenian apricot. Yum!
We laughed and talked and ate appetizers and drank and made merry. We watched the bats fly over Lady Bird Lake and then sat on the balcony and watched the city lights twinkle. It was a wonderful party with wonderful women and I met several new mamas that were really nice and that was exciting too.
And then the party was over and I did the thing I always do to myself after a party. I go over everything I did and said with a fine tooth comb and wish I hadn't said half of it. Especially when I drink wine. Wine loosens my tongue and I become less attuned to what other people are thinking and saying and I tend to be loud and gregarious. And then I regret it the next day. I asked Michael if he did this and he said no, but that I always did it and that I should just stop 'cause it spoils the party for me. But I can't help going over the things I do and say in social situations. Am I alone in this?
So that's the party wrap up. I'll put the pictures up on flickr. XXOO, Amber


Debbie said…
Aww, Amber. You are definitely really hard on yourself! I bet everyone had a lovely time at the soup swap and thought you were a beautiful host.
No worries :)
Cheris said…
Debbie is right. We had a blast and you were the perfect host.

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