Sick Baby

Sam is so sick. An unknown, evil virus has taken over his body and caused a Fever. This fever likes to hang on at about 103 degrees despite huge doses of tylenol and motrin. This Fever has had it's grip on our Sam since Monday.
Today we had Complications. In addition to this mystery Fever, but not related, Sam has contracted a case of Conjunctivitis (pink eye) in both eyes and a double Ear Infection. The Conjunctivitis is pretty bad and the ear infection is mild, but lordy oh lordy, my poor sweet baby.
My poor sweet baby is also spending most of his time crying and/or clinging. I am about to lose my mind.
Send some healing vibes our way and keep your fingers crossed that he keeps these ailments to himself.
Love, Amber


Cheris said…
OH poor Sammy!
(And poor Mommy)

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