Girl Party!

I went to my sister's girl only, pool party, birthday celebration this weekend. This is the third year of the party and I was very excited since the last two years I was either pregnant or nursing.
My sister throws a fantastic party with karaoke, wigs, pool olympics, snacks and a wide variety of beverages. I really can't tell you much else about the actual goings-on of the afternoon because of the most important rule of the entire event- What happens at the girl party, STAYS at the girl party.
But it was fun. And there was vodka involved. And I will never, ever drink Vodka again. I paid for my fun all day yesterday.
So enjoy the pictures I can release and just daydream about all the one's I can't post. It was a FUN party.
P.S. I have to give my husband major credit for this weekend. He kept the boys all Saturday and Saturday night and then on Sunday, he let me recover and took the boys on more adventures. He is a great dad and a fantastic husband. I owe him.


Debbie said…
Oh, how fun! I used to throw slumber parties for the gals when I lived in L.A. and I always meant to revive the tradition...but then, uh, kids came along :)
We used to have the funniest dress ups. One year we all had to bring an instrument (whether we could play it or not), and one year we all had to create a masterpiece of artwork after waaaaay too many green apple martinis. So much fun! Glad you had a great time.
Unknown said…
wow. you've had two kids...and your stomach is THAT flat. you go girl!

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