Catching Up

I've been crazy busy this week. And last week. I can't keep up! I used to have too much time. Now I don't have enough. I'll be quick and try to catch you up.
Last weekend we went to Bastrop and stayed at the Hyatt Lost Pines. This place is fantastic! We went with the whole Tomblin family and had a blast. Davis rode bicycles all weekend and adored spending time with his cousin Kade. We roasted marshmallows, ate fancy dinners, played by the pool, watched movies in bed and had a wonderful time. The resort is perfect for people with children. It's like our own Dirty Dancing summer resort right here in Texas. I wish we could go there every year. The pictures above are from our weekend. It really deserves it's own post, but I'm on a limited time budget this week.
This week has been the week of getting ready for my dad's birthday party. I've been trying to help my mom get everything prepared and it's a big job! I'm also still trying to keep up with my house and friends and still have quality time to play with the boys. I'm juggling for sure!
Sam is on round two of antibiotics for his ear infection. I can tell it's driving him crazy.
Davis' big Halloween party is Friday night. We carved a pumpkin for him to take with him. He is thrilled and the thing he is most excited about is the fact that he gets to take his brother with him to his school that evening. Isn't that sweet?
The kids had their school pics taken this week, so hopefully I'll have some new wallets soon.
We got our first big cold front in last night! The wind was blowing so hard, but we didn't care. We've been so hot for so long that we are welcoming the change in temperature.
And I snuck out today and bought a new pair of boots and some jeans and four new shirts. I never, ever shop for clothes so this is a big deal around here. And I wear a size four! That has never happened before either. Thank you southbeach diet.
Oh, oh and oh! The last big thing that happened is that last week I posted about my favorite travel links. This was for you, but it was also for me because I use them all the time and I wanted to have them all together. A few days later I got a CD that I had been wanting from my amazon wishlist. I knew I hadn't bought it for myself and it's not my birthday or Christmas. I tore into the package to read the packing slip. It was a gift from Kevin at! Can you believe my joy and excitement! Thanks Kevin!
And that's all for now. I have a million more things to do before nap is over. I'll try to post all about the three parties we're attending this weekend next week. More pictures from our family weekend are on flickr.


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