
Evil, sneaky, infectious plague has entered our house and attacked my children.
Davis succumbed on Thursday. He was horrific on Thursday. Tantrums worthy of his brother but in an almost four year old body. No appetite. And then he begged me to go to bed at 5PM. Fever began around 7PM and NEVER STOPPED. Dr appointment on Friday with a sick non mobile child. Davis fell asleep on the table. We checked for flu. Negative. Checked for strep. Negative. Determined this particular plague to be a virus. Was sent home. Davis spent the whole day in bed. I spent the whole day trying to keep Sammy out of Davis' bed to no avail. They are like twins. They NEED to be together all the time.
Fever and no appetite raged on. On Saturday we got congestion. Lots of it.
On Sunday we got yellow discharge from the eyes. Still couldn't get Davis to eat. Cough intensified. Behavior disintegrated again. Sores appeared under his nose.
On Sunday night, Sam woke up at Midnight with a 102.7 fever. Woke up congested.
Dr. appointment today revealed Davis to be host to an extreme ear infection in his left ear that is very likely to burst, a double eye infection and impetigo. Antibiotics that cause diarrhea and eye drops were dispensed.
Sam has the virus that the doctor saw in Davis on Friday. Most likely we will see the doctor again in four Days with Sam for secondary bacterial infections just like we are currently seeing with Davis.
For now I have two croaky, cranky, hot, irritable little boys who won't eat and are spreading germs all over the place.
And my throat hurts and my back hurts and I am all done with this plague.
Be gone, Illness! Leave my family and never return!


Heather said…
Hope everyone starts feeling better soon.
This sounds like total hell.
Kat Ogden said…
Oh no! We have the same thing here but oh please, don't get sick. I've avoided it so far but S has had it and Jade isn't far behind.

Poor Davis, I hope he gets food in him soon. I hope you get some rest, Sammy let your mama sleep!

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