Davis' 1st Day of Pre K

Davis began his second year at San Marcos Montessori today. He was hesitant because this year he will be a full day student. I drop him off at 8:30 and pick him up at 2:50. Sniff. That's a long time to be without my boy. Last year he only went until 11:30. I miss him already and it's only 12:30. Sam misses him too.
Davis seemed to be okay though. He picked out his outfit last night. I had laid out two really cute shirts and shorts for him to pick from, but he threw those back in the drawer and pulled out his old stained Montessori shirt and his "big boy" pants and a pair of shoes a size too big and declared that to be the perfect first day of school outfit. Then we went to the kitchen and he picked out what I should make for his lunch. His new lunch box is rockin. It's from Planet Box and it is stainless steel and good for the environment and so cute!
He chose spanikopita, veggie chips, peaches and nuts. I promised to pack in the morning. He also informed me wanted an egg in a nest for breakfast. I agreed.
This morning he grumbled about it all a bit and gave lip service to not wanting to go, but he quickly dressed, put on his own shoes and got in the car by himself and did up his straps. He was ready to go!
When I dropped him off he headed straight for the porch, excited that his best friend Ransom was already there and disappointed that Ransom had gotten there first. I had to yell at him to stop and wait so I could snap a picture. Then he turned and bolted for the porch before I could take another one.
My big boy is growing up. I hope he's having a good day. I'll let you know after I pick him up if it wasn't good.
In the meantime I got the house cleaned and Sam and I had some special time. I think it will all be wonderful. XO, me


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