Potty Training

We're potty training Sam. I started on Tuesday and it's Sunday night. Here is what I posted Friday afternoon to a mama group I am part of,

"Davis started school last week and Sam really wanted to go with him. We told him he couldn’t go until he learned to pee and poop in the potty. He immediately decided he would learn. He insists on underwear all day every day.
But it has been failure. He pees in his underwear constantly. I’ll put him on the potty and he happily pees, but he only does it when I take him there and if I don’t happen to take him when he needs to go, he just goes in his underwear. And he can’t/won’t poop in the potty at all. Today alone I’ve cleaned up four disgusting pairs of underwear.
I’ve been to the library and read up on the topic. We’ve rented videos. I made a sticker chart for rewards. I bought him fabulous potty prizes. I offered chocolate. I offered to go back to diapers. I’ve offered pull ups as a compromise.
I get nothing. He insists on underwear and promises sincerely to try again next time.
I’m so frustrated. And Michael’s out of town for the last two weeks, AND we have a new dog that I am potty training at the same time.
I don’t want to lose my patience and temper, but I am. I had to leave him on the potty today to go cry in the laundry room over his poopy underwear. I’d be happy to give up, but he’s so determined and I’d feel really bad if I made him go back in diapers and he might be about to make some progress."

So obviously we were struggling. Yesterday a friend from that same list suggested we try a "three day potty training method" that she sent me. We decided to try it.
We're still in potty training hell, but it's much better than it was. First, Michael is home which helps a ton and second, I think the method might actually be working. Sam slept in underwear last night and stayed dry. Yesterday evening the "poop fairy" (yes, laugh if you need to) brought Sam a magic pooping wand to help him make poop and this morning I chased him around the house with it. Finally (after four dirty pairs of underpants) he sat on the potty clutching his wand and did the deed. We were ridiculously excited. So I see a glimmer of hope. We may be making a breakthrough. (bah duh dum dum)
All of this is so foreign to me too, because Davis just put on underpants and was immediately trained.
Oh, and the good news is that Ellie (the dog) is now successfully potty trained. Yay for the dog.
Wish us luck with the kid.


TechMama said…
I feel your pain, but it sounds like you are on the right road to 24h underwear. Go Sam, go!
Heh, the word verification for this comment is "soidel" which is too close to "soiled" to avoid my comment!
Rebecca Schwarz said…
He'll get there. Just hang in there. Amelia took forever. I remember there were underwear that I just threw away! Sylvie was like Davis, one day she wasn't trained, the next day she was.

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