Sam is Speed

Davis has two questions to ask when he first meets anyone, young or old, "How old are you?", and "How fast can you run?". Every pair of shoes or article of clothing he has is put into categories of their "speed". Orange shirt goes with green pants and red shoes because they are all "speed". Every new question relating to science or nature has to do with the speed of things. Speed is the thing around here. Davis is "speed" because he can run fast. He is also "speed" because he can ride his bike fast, strong, and long.
They say every child is gifted in their own way and I truly believe that riding a bike is one of Davis' gifts. Davis loves riding his bike. It is his passion. For almost a year, he has been baffled as to why Sam would rather draw pictures, play in the mud, or pick flowers rather try to ride his own bike. He has screamed at Sam, tried to bodily lift him on the bike, and bribed him all to try and get his younger brother on a bike so the boys can be speed together.
A few weeks ago, we decided that Davis had outgrown his Lightnin' Mcqueen two wheeler we bought him at Christmas and so we bought a new bigger one that his cousin Kade had outgrown. Davis has christened this bike his "flame bike".
While the boys were visiting their grandparents a couple of weekends ago, Sam finally got to practice riding his tricycle on some flat, paved roads and caught on and turned into a petaling guru. When we got home, Davis begged Michael to put training wheels on his Lightnin' Mcqueen bike so that Sam could ride with us and have "speed". Michael did and this weekend, Sam learned to ride on it.
Davis could not be happier. Sam is pretty proud too. Watch out world, here comes speed.


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