There are awful days too.

Just in case that last post was a wee bit too saccharine, I wanted to let you know that things are also yucky around here sometimes too. The holiday crafts project I did with the kids one day was a disaster and a major test of my patience, half of my holiday cookies failed and the boys are bickering like crazy. I invoke the name of Santa far too often to regain control. We have disappointments and frustrations all the time both with ourselves and our kids. An excerpt from an email I wrote to my dear friend Cheris the other day, "I am having an awful day. Sam had THREE pee accidents today. And has had one every day this week. After being perfect for over a month. And Ellie peed on my parents rug. And Sam has been yelling at me about every tiny thing all day. I have no idea what is going on with him. I hate the age of three. I’m actually hoping there’s a medical explanation and it’s not just a phase, because I could fix a medical thing and the phase I have to suffer through. Michael is working late and I refuse to cook dinner. Just one of those days…"
And it was just one of those days. Sam has had no accidents since, and his behavior got marginally better. We have easier days and harder days. In general though, it is MUCH easier now than it was when we had wee ones and I just choose to focus on the positive here rather than the negative. So there you go.


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