The Gym: My Home Away from Home

If you call me, and I don't answer, I'm at the gym.
I used to work out from home. I had my videos and I just did them when I could. Then for a while I just ate really carefully and didn't work out at all, so while I was thin, I wasn't in shape.
Last spring I won a three month membership to World Gym at Davis' school fundraiser. I decided it would be worth it for the childcare. I signed up and began trying out classes. I fell in love with yoga and began practicing three times a week. I also tried to do a little on the elliptical before and after when I could. When my three months were over I was totally committed to my yoga and so I signed a year contract. Shortly after that Sam started school and I started going to the gym every day. And then my yoga teacher was let go and I decided to try spinning while they looked for a new teacher. I loved the class and my teacher and after a few weeks I started trying other classes. And then more yoga classes were added and soon my schedule was packed.
I am a full on gym rat. I can't help it. I love the way it makes me feel. I feel strong, powerful, focused. I'm an endorphin junkie. I don't have to watch what I eat as carefully and have now added in tons of whole grains and fruit to a diet that had missed them sorely. I haven't lost any weight, (didn't really need to) but I've put on a ton of muscle. And I've made friends there and established a little community. We found the best babysitter at they gym daycare which is actually pretty good.
So for the record, here's my gym schedule. It changes if someone is sick or if I have an appointment or if school is out for some reason, etc, but this is what I like to do.
Monday- 9-9:30 Run
9:30-10:30 Spin
10:30-11:30 Yoga (sometimes I just can't make this one, but I try)
Tuesday- 8:30-9:30 Body Attack or 4-4:40 Run
Wednesday- 9-9:30 Run
9:30-10:30 Spin
10:30-11 Advanced Abs
Thursday- Body Attack or Run
Friday- 9:30-10:30 Kick Box
10:30-11:30 Yoga
Saturday 9-10 Body Attack or Run
10-11:15 Yoga
And on Sunday I rest.
I like schedules. On short gym days like Tuesdays and Thursdays I rush home and clean house. I have a house cleaning schedule too. It keeps me organized.


Mama Deb said…
Good for you, Amber!! I need to get myself into a gym rhythm too. I know it would be so good for me, but darn it's hard to motivate!!

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