Why I Lost my Voice (They are driving me crazy)

It's probably my fault. I was on the phone to my mother in law and had all the regular interruptions, I changed their shoes three or four times, got them a snack, stopped them from playing kick the refrigerator magnets in the kitchen. I finally told them to get out the kitchen and play. I finished my conversation after about ten more minutes and went to find the kids.
I found them in the bathroom soaking wet and covered in bubbles, soap, water and sand. The kids had dumped half a (BIG) bottle of liquid soap in the bathroom and playroom in order to "clean" up the sand they dumped out of their shoes all over the place. Then they turned on the water and found it made soap bubbles. They added more water! This was fun! Bubble party! Rags were used, towels, more towels!
I found them and yelled at them and sent them to their rooms. I got down on my knees and started scrubbing while shouting at the top of my lungs over the running water and closed doors so they could hear just why I was so ticked off. I heard Sam shouting "Oh no, oh no! look at me! My hands are dirty! My pants are dirty! I'm disgusting!"
I had to laugh and hand him a clean shirt through the door. I allowed him to go play in his room with Davis while I continued cleaning. I took big breaths. I kept scrubbing.
When I went to check on them in their room a few minutes later they were carefree and and joyous. They were happily throwing pennies across the room from the piles where they had DUMPED out their piggy banks. Which they got off the top of their six foot tall bookshelf.
I asked them to pick them up, but they were, of course, too tired to pick up the pennies.
So I picked up the 500 strewn coins and they went to play airplanes and then play Dora the Explorer.
I lost my voice, but I didn't beat them. So I consider it all a win. I need a drink.


Rob L. said…
You are a saint. I would've thrown them in a dungeon and swallowed the key.
martimeff said…
I don't care what anyone says...boys are just much more creative than girls when it comes to havoc! A friend asked me the other day if now that the boys are 11 and almost 8 if I ever leave them unsupervised. I gave her the "you've got to be f'in crazy!" look. I know if I left them together w/out an adult, when I got back the police, EMT's and Fire dept would all be in front of my house!!
Hang in there- the nice thing is that now that they are older- I can have them clean up the messes!

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