Davis is sick and things aren't good.

Davis is so sick. We're talking vomit and diarrhea. Lots of it. Like 20 times a day of it. His fever is hovering around 102. And we are on day three! When will it end? Michael and I are stumbling around like zombies because we are up all night with the little guy. When he is not being actively sick, he lying on the couch or bed moaning or dozing with his eyes half open.
I am washing my hands so often they are beginning to crack and peel.
Sam remains well. Please oh please let him stay that way.
This weekend our Friday night plans were cancelled. Saturday we attempted to go to Wimberley's butterfly festival, but the pouring rain really "dampened" our fun. We had a bright spot on Saturday evening with a birthday party with friends, but I couldn't drink or eat because of this stupid elimination diet and I had a terrible headache from caffeine withdrawal. And on Sunday Michael accidentally slid the tractor through the mud into our pond.
Monday was okay.
Tuesday is when the sick began.
So in the big picture, we are doing great. Everyone is alive and we still love each other. But in the day to day minutia, this week sucks.


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