Easter 2010

Easter happened. There was some really great and some really not great. Davis got a fever the afternoon of our Good Friday potluck. Only Cheris and Rob and their kids and my parents decided to party anyway, but we all ended up having a fabulous time. So that was good, but Davis' fever was not very good.
Saturday I got to go to yoga and then have our first pool party of the season at mom and dad's and then we dyed eggs and made cookies with G.G. and Gramp.
Marchelle and Marc came to stay overnight and we had a wonderful dinner and great conversation and wine on the patio.
So that was pretty wonderful too. But Davis was still feeling very badly, so that wasn't good.
Easter dawned misty and rainy. Davis was screaming and writhing about with ear pain and a couple of us were a bit hung over. All of that wasn't so great.
But we regrouped and headed over to my mom and dad's house and ended up having a fabulous Easter party with friends and family. The buffet was wonderful. We had 2 official easter egg hunts and several more impromptu ones. I found a egg with my name on it that had a lottery ticket in it and I won $40! That was so fun!
But Davis' ear was hurting him so badly that he missed the easter egg hunt. And later that night I started feeling badly with what turned out to be a UTI.
And Sam woke up the next morning with an ear infection and eye infection of his own.
So you know, it was a mixed bag.
But that's all judging. And I'm trying not to judge these days. So I will just say that we had Easter. And I will share the pictures. And I will remember it happily.


cheris said…
Ha! I like how Marchelle is egg hunting with wine. In fact, I want to go on an egg hunt where I FIND bottles of wine. Oh yeah.
Amber said…
Well, in Marchelle's defense, we ALL hunted with wine. It was a Tomblin holiday, could expect anything less? AND, easter egg hunting where the prize is a bottle of wine is a FANTASTIC idea. Implementing for next year...

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