Elimination Diet

I had my annual physical this week. My blood work came out great. They did a body fat measurement and it was great too. My blood pressure is low. La, la, la, I was acing that thing.
And then we talked about the few check marks on my complaint list. Indigestion, rash, joint aches, canker sores. All these symptoms started when I quit the south beach diet in November. So it was decided that perhaps food allergies are to blame for all of these symptoms. We decided to implement immediately an elimination diet and hopefully on Monday I will take a RAST test, which is a blood test to determine food allergies.
The elimination diet takes about a month. And it is brutal. I can't have a lot of things, but here are the ones that I can't have that are killing me. No Coffee. No alcohol. No dairy. No eggs. No beef. No citrus. No brown sugar, honey, fructose, molasses or corn syrup. No soy.
This is not as hard for me as it might be for some, since I was on the South Beach diet phase one or two for almost two years and since I cook almost everything from scratch any way. Still, I spent two hours yesterday prepping and preparing foods that i could grab out of the fridge. I roasted vegetables and grilled chicken and cut up a lot of fruit and made a quinoa, cinnamon and rice milk breakfast cereal.
I had a headache that killed all day yesterday. We'll see how I do today. It's supposed to get easier after a few days. And a month isn't that long. Right? Right? Grrrrrr.


Mama Deb said…
How's the elimination diet going? Anything of interest turn up?

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