Mother's Day

My whole life I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I knew it when I was five and I never wavered. There was none of that indecision or flip flopping. I just knew. I wanted to be an actress and a stay-at-home mom. I will be forever grateful to my parents for helping me achieve the first and to my husband for helping me achieve the second. :)
I love being a mom. It is the most rewarding, fulfilling job I've ever had and there is nothing else I would rather do. It fits me. (Yes, it drives me crazy and sometimes I just want to run, far, far away, but in the end it is who I am and I love it.)
The inspiration for wanting to be a stay-at-home mom was of course my own mother. I very much wanted to grow up and be just like her. Heck, I still want to grow up and be just like her. When faced with a parenting quandary I ask myself, what would my mother do, and I pretty much always do that. I am aware how lucky I am that I have that kind of role model in my life. My mom is an amazing woman and I love her totally and completely. I am extra-special blessed that we have found a grown-up relationship that makes her my best friend as well.
Over the last few years since we have moved to the ranch, I have grown even closer to my grandmother as well. She is smart as a whip and funny and kind. She knows so much and I often come to her for advice as well as the pleasure of her company. It is a daily joy to me that we have become so close.
I could not finish this mother's day post without mentioning my mother-in-law. I know there is a generalization that mother-in-laws can be a pain. I can say with all honesty that I have a wonderful relationship with mine and I love her very much. She is a wonderful mother to her sons and an amazing grandparent to my boys.
I am surrounded with strong, beautiful, kind, generous mothers. I am so lucky.


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