School's Out For Summer!

Summer has officially begun around here. Both in temperature and by the calendar.
We've been hitting the 90's every day this week which was unfortunate for us because our air conditioner went out on Monday. We spent the whole week trying to decide whether to replace the whole unit or just the compressor and which company to do the job. We also spent the very hot week trying to pack for our trip, complete our last week of school and juggle last minute responsibilities while camping out at my parent's house. Thank goodness for my parents gracious hospitality. Their oasis of a home was a wonderful place to run to.
Also this week I took the kids to the dentist and Davis got his first filling. This was not as traumatic as it could have been, but it did require two hours at the "we don't normally treat children under six" dentist with both kids which was an effort to say the least.
We also attended Davis and Sam's end of year picnic for their montessori school. We had a potluck picnic at the park and Mimi and PawPaw came to watch the kids perform. The children sang several songs and wore really goofy hats. I led them on a few songs that we worked on when I taught music at the school this year. It was really sweet. My favorite part though was when the children danced. Davis seems to have a natural performing gift and that warmed my musical theatre heart.
Yesterday was the last day of school. The kids had a movie day and were done with school at noon. Davis and Sam had made some whole wheat bread with their Mimi the day before as a gift for their teacher and were very proud to give it to her. After school we came home to the brilliant gift of a cool house. We are the proud new owners of a brand new Lennox air conditioner. We finished packing and then went over to our friends Stacey and Chris' house. They had generously offered to feed us supper so that we didn't have to cook on our last night in our house before vacation. It was great fun.
And today we leave for Seattle and tomorrow we embark on our cruise for Alaska! We are all so excited. I'm sure I'll have tons of pics and stories when we return.
Hooray for summer vacation!


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