We Joined a Church

Yesterday morning we signed the membership book in a small ceremony at our new church. We are officially members number 55 and 56 of the San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. We really like this tiny church. We enjoy the people and the community that they offer. We were members in Austin at the UU church there (that's where we had the boys dedicated) but never felt welcomed or part of it all like we do here. We love their open mindedness and liberal leanings. It's a small haven of this in a relatively conservative town. We like the quirks of being in a small church. It really has a family feel to it. They have a discussion time after the sermon so we can discuss what we think while sitting there! I have joined the choir and look forward to singing again. Some of our most wonderful friends are already members so that is a bonus as well. Yay for more community and support in our spiritual growth!


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