I got the Part

I got the lead in Amahl and the Night Visitors. I'm playing the Mother. I'm nervous because it's an opera and I haven't sung anything other than nursery rhymes in six years. There will be performances locally in mid-December. Now I have to make space in my life for rehearsals. I can do this, right? Right?


cheris said…
Wow! That's great!! I think you should do this. Maybe you need to cut back somewhere else... but this is a big part of YOU and it's about time you let yourself focus on that a little again. I can't wait to see it!
Rob L. said…
[imagine a Bob the Builder picture here]

Rebecca Schwarz said…
Congrats. Keep us up to date. We'll come down for a show!
Rebecca Schwarz said…
Congrats. Keep us up to date. We'll come down for a show!

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