Seeing Red

Dad and I drove up to Austin today wearing red to protest on the Capital Steps. It was a great crowd and had a very fun vibe. Marcia Ball invited us up there to celebrate her birthday. Here's her email about why we went.

What the heck’s happening with our poor country?! Who knew that in 2012 in the USA we would be fighting about contraception and basic women's health?

Next Tuesday, between noon and 2:00 PM, I am going to put on a red shirt and stand in front of the Texas State Capitol at the corner of Congress Avenue and 11th Street holding a sign decrying the defunding of women’s health services. I am calling my effort SEEING RED and it may be just me and a few friends or a few hundred. This is my own personal response to the outrage of the Texas Taliban’s war on women and, peripherally, my sadness over the death of foreign correspondent Marie Colvin who gave her life to tell us about the inhumanity and injustice of those who target the powerless. My vigil is in honor of Molly Ivins who said nothing will change until we get out in the streets and bang on pots and pans. I’m just going to stand there and hold a sign (and a broadsheet with talking points).

By the way, this is not a “women’s movement”. Come one, come all.

And here is a link to a great article about the subject.


Martimeff said…
well said! so glad you are seeing red in Texas! More power to you!

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