Hysterectomy Complete

I'm done with my surgery and home in bed. The doctor found endometriosis and fibroid tumors. Those are all gone now along with the rest of my lady parts. It was was the worst pain I had ever felt after surgery, but I got some great drugs and soon felt better and able to rest.
I spent yesterday mostly sleeping and taking pain meds. I'm covered in purple bruises and very sore and very tired. I spent the night in the hospital and was so glad to be there instead of home with easy access to drugs and automatic beds and kind nurses.
I got some flowers (thanks Carnes'!) and a gift basket (thanks Liffords!) at the hospital and while I was there a red tent was put in place for the week with all my closest girl friends signing up to bring me dinner. I felt very loved. Mom and dad came home from Taos early and kept the boys. They came over last night after Michael went home and brought me cookies and empathy and encouragement.
I was discharged this morning and came home and went straight to bed. I'll be off my feet and out of my car for a week though I'm encouraged to walk every hour or so. The good news is that I can drive again next Friday! This is much better than we originally thought.
My recovery should take about 6-8 weeks, but I'll feel way better in two. I'm in full menopause now, but I haven't felt the effects yet. I'm sure I will. Both my doctors and the nurses took Michael aside to warn him of it. ;)
Wish me luck on a speedy recovery and hopefully you will never have to hear of my lady parts again. (though menopause might come up a time or two.)


cheris said…
You're a rock star! Glad you're home. :)

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