Small, home things

I've been doing better. I'm having a really hard time with my irritation levels. If my normal tolerance level is a 10 then I'm at three. I'm also extremely emotional and have found myself in tears often this week. I am feeling much better physically, though I really need to keep working on taking my time on getting better.
I pushed it way too hard on Friday. I started the day by walking a mile and then sitting down and crying realizing that I had to walk a mile back and I didn't bring a phone and I was too exhausted to walk another step. After a rest, I did manage to walk all the way back, but the day was already shot before it began. It is very hard for me to realize how weak my body really is. I am having a hard time being fragile. I don't mind being thought of as fragile on occasion, but it is inconceivable to me that I would really be so fragile.
By the time I was waiting for the kids to get out of art class on Friday afternoon around five I was nauseous and ALL DONE. As soon as we got home, Michael put me on the chaise lounge with my kindle, iPad, pain pills and ice cold water and took over. He made pizza for the kids and himself, (I just had a shake. Nausea's really been bothering me.) put on the Sword and The Stone, got the kids changed into jambes and we all had ourselves a wonderful family movie night. We used our new popcorn popper and it was really fun to watch the kids watch it work. It was just what I needed and I never lifted a finger again that evening.
On Saturday we cleaned the house. (yes, I pushed it too hard, it's hard to know what I can and cannot do.) Then we showered and loaded up and drove to New Braunfels. We got our pictures taken for our new Schlitterbahn season passes(!!!) and then we drove to the Huisache Grill and had a lovely lunch. We really love that restaurant. The food is great and so are the prices, the wine list and the atmosphere.
After lunch we went home and Michael took the kids outside for an hour so I could nap and then he built legos with the kids. They left for a birthday party and I did a little cooking and then Michael and I curled up for the evening and watched more episodes of our current obsession, Friday Night Lights.
Today I went for a more reasonable walk and then we moved Davis into his own room again. The kids have been playing instead of sleeping lately and we're tired of the battle. We went to church for the flower service which was lovely and Michael volunteered in the RE. We ate lunch at Gulfo De Mexico. I love their ceviche tostadas. Then we came home where I napped and Michael took the boys to Lowes to buy black out shades for the west side of our house. We hope this will cool the house down and help the kids go to bed while it's still daylight.
I am feeling much better today and tomorrow I go back to work. I'm hoping to really heal this week because next weekend we are going to the Austin Food and Wine festival! We are so, so excited. Martha and Clark are coming to watch the kids and we are spending two hedonistic nights in Austin eating and drinking to our hearts content.
I forgot to blog that last weekend, the kids got to go see Mary Poppins the Musical. I bought the tickets last fall and got really great seats. The kids love the musical (we saw one family movie night) and often listen to the soundtrack. Because of my surgery I couldn't go, but Michael took my dad and they all loved it. It was bittersweet to miss my children's first broadway show experience, but I am truly thrilled that they loved it and even more excited about theater camp than they were before.


cheris said…
Sigh... take it easy on yourself!!

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