Pajama Day, Caroling

Saturday morning we were very tired from our cocktail party. We also had to address some of Sam's tummy trouble and that required us to stay close to home. We decided to institute pajama day. We stayed in our pajamas all day long. We did no housework. We did no work at all. We read and played board games and played on the Wii. We eventually went on a walk down to the river, but we stayed in our jammies. Michael made on trip off the ranch to fetch us thai food and then we curled up in the lounge to watch Elf. (Davis hated Elf by the way. It totally stressed him out. He was so worried for him because he was wearing a stupid outfit and didn't know how to negotiate the world, and his father wouldn't acknowledge him.) He spent most of the movie out of the room. Sam loved it.) It was a lovely day. I had never taken a day off when we were home before. ever. I liked it.
On Sunday we cleaned and did laundry and chores and then left the kids with a sitter and a trip to the jumpy house while Michael and I drove up to Austin to see Billy Elliott. It was alright, but we didn't love the brand new tiny Billy who was debuting that evening. He was a great dancer, but sing or act much.
Monday evening we hosted a little friend of Sam's for a playdate and then drove into town to join the cubscout troupe in a caroling endeavor. There were so many people! We walked down a dark Belvin street and sang at lots of houses. It was joyful and sweet if a bit crazy with all those kids.
We are just counting down the days now until Christmas and enjoying the season. We are really looking forward to our trip to Taos the day after Christmas.


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