NCL Epic Day 6- My Birthday

My birthday was on a sea day. We woke up, took the kids to the breakfast buffet and dropped them off at the kids club. Michael and I went to the gym (we made it there 4 times on the cruise) and had a nice long run. We picked the kids up and went to lunch at the buffet before rushing down to the Bliss Lounge for a balloon animal making class. It was so fun! We learned how to make swords and puppy dogs. It was one of the best children's activities we've done on a boat.
We went back to the cabin for some downtime and found a birthday cake waiting for me! My parents had sent me a birthday cake! I was so grateful. We all had huge slices and really enjoyed them. (I decided to eat dairy and pay the consequences later). Then Michael and the kids watched a movie and I paid for some internet time and had a great time reading all my birthday wishes on facebook.
After our rest, the boys went back to the kids club and Michael and I went up to Posh on the 18th deck. It was the best, most wonderful, perfect thing to do on my birthday. We sat in an egg shaped big lounge chair with a shade over it so it was really private. I'm attaching the picture with the view we had looking over our feet. I drank lots of lime daiquiris and ate onion rings and read a cheesy werewolf/vampire mystery. Then I curled up with Michael in the chair and took a nap. Ahhhh.
We picked up the kids and went back to the room to find it was decorated with birthday banner, balloons, streamers and confetti. Mom and Dad had done this for me as well. I felt so special! We showered and went to dinner at the teppanyaki grill. The food was good and the show grand, but I really couldn't stand the people we were seated with and my stomach was starting to tell me that it was very unhappy with what I had done to it that day. We went back to the cabin where the kids went straight to sleep, Michael watched a movie and I paid the piper. I don't care. It was worth it. It was a great day.


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