Sam's Open House

Usually open house at the montessori school happens the day before Christmas break. This year, the montessori school teacher/director was in a car crash and open house was postponed until last Thursday. Michael and Sam and I dressed up, dropped Davis off at my grandparents' house with his kindle fire and drove to the Montessori school for our very last open house. Sam took us to his table and showed us two of his works. The first was contractions, where he matched up words with their contractions. The second was the metal dot board where he added three huge numbers together and did the carrying. We were very impressed. Then he took us to the side room and served us a plate of food that the children had prepared. Sam had even made a vegan cheese ball. It was very sweet and on the way home, Samuel, who had told us we didn't really have to go if we didn't want to, told us it was the best day of his life.


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