
Today is the first day of fall and we have spent the weekend celebrating that fact. We had a huge rain that we desperately needed on Friday and it brought a cold front with it. Saturday dawned bright and cool. We opened all the windows and Michael went for a brisk run before shutting himself in his office to study for a few hours while I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the house. The kids went to visit my parents and they helped decorate their house for fall. I met them out at the food trailers for a delicious thai lunch and then finished cleaning the house while Mom and dad took the kids to Hobby Lobby for decor for our house. I have the best parents.
We spent our afternoon building a diorama for Davis' class and working out which excursions we want to take on our spring break cruise. Despite all this domestic bliss, I was in a horrible rotten mood on Saturday. I couldn't get out of my funk all day. Luckily, our friends Anne and Jeff saved the day! They invited us out to Anne's dad's cabin for a Harvest Moon potluck. We drove out there in the evening and it was immediate perfection. The evening was green and cool and calm, the company was interesting and the wine flowed. We sat out in the lawn and the kids played and my parents and the Gardners joined us and it was so. much. fun. Jeff fired up the grill and we had a feast! The sun fell below horizon and it grew dark and we handed out nutter butter wafers and flashlights and continued the party. The kids put on a show for us that was precious and as we drove home we watched the huge orange harvest moon rise into the night sky.
We slept with the windows open last night and it was cool and clean and we all slept deeply. We slept in this morning and then I went for a run while Michael studied. Then the kids made a cake to celebrate the first day of fall all by themselves. We went to church and sat with my parents and enjoyed a sermon on finding balance. After church we picked up Lilliana and got ready to go tubing. We met Anne and Jeff and her dad and the kids at 2pm to truly fit in our last "summer" toobing activity before it became autumn at 3:44pm. Though she has been born and raised in San Marcos, Lilliana had never been toobing before! She was so excited. Our plans were almost thwarted when we found that the Lion's Club tube rental was closed and we couldn't rent tubes, but luckily we were near the Fraserrands' house and we could borrow their tubes. Thank you BG and Jamaal!!!!
The sun had come out and warmed the air up into the upper eighties and there was not a cloud in the bright blue sky. The river was very quiet and peaceful as we floated along.
After our float, we came home and curled into the lounge for a cozy family movie night with our feature being Stuart Little and our dessert being a very special "Fall" cake.
Next weekend- the beach!