Labor Day Weekend in Port Aransas

We had an early night Friday though we managed a pick up meal from Shell's and Michael and I did have a quick dip in the hot tub after the kids went down.
Saturday we spent the whole day on the beach under the EZ up with our friends. The kids played all day and got along so well! They didn't have a single argument or fight the whole trip. We had a picnic on the beach and ice cream from the ice cream truck. It was wonderful. That evening we cooked and chatted and put the kids down late.
Sunday we spent another day on the beach. Michael ran into town and got us a ghost shrimp pump and we had a great time sucking out the shrimp and putting them in a bucket with an aerator so we could watch them. We had planned to have a lunch of tamales from the tamale truck, but it took forever to come and then was out of bean tamales, so I ran up and made a quick picnic and we continued our party on the beach. Jeff built his son a car out of sand that both my boys thought was the coolest thing ever. That evening we put the kids to bed and went up and sat on the balcony with Anne and Jeff and told stories and laughed. It was really fun.
Monday we attempted a bike ride. It was so hot and all the bikes needed air in the tires and it was not nearly as fun in the execution as it was in the abstract. But we soldiered forward and had a nice breezy ride which was a respite from the heat. We rode to the bird sanctuary where we were attacked by mosquitos. At that point I threw in the towel and we all rode back to our cars and slunk into the air conditioning. I don't think there was an inch of us not covered in sweat. Yuck! We drove back to the condo, threw on our suits, had a quick leftover lunch and jumped in the pool. It was so refreshing!
Then it was time to pack up and drive home. We really enjoyed our beach weekend. It was really great to get to spend that time with Jeff and Anne. They are so smart and interesting and I loved getting to know them even better. Their kids are precious and they were great guests. We were happy also, to get off of the ranch on opening weekend of dove hunting season. We came home to terrified dogs, buckshot, and lots of people dressed in camo, hiding under the bushes. Sigh.
Now the real world is closing in. I went to therapy today for my wrist, then to my grandparents for a visit and to pay their bills and fill their medicine boxes and call in prescriptions, then to the grocery store and then home for lunch, after which I took the the boys to their new school to meet their teachers. When we got home, I printed out a recipe for banana muffins for the boys and they cooked a batch of them all by themselves, with no help from me other than putting them in and taking them out of the oven. While they did that, I whipped up a homemade vegan quiche and then we were out the door again to take the boys to their first hip hop class. They didn't love it, but I think they will feel less awkward and more gung ho next week.
Then I rushed home and made a salad and dressing and had dinner with the boys before sending them to the showers and putting on a cartoon while I called Katie and had some friend time. The boys went to bed early and with purpose as they have their first day of school tomorrow. They are excited as am I. Expect first day of school pictures soon.