First Half of September

We have had a very busy last few days. Last weekend, we had lunch out with my parents at a new oyster bar here in San Marcos. The atmosphere was great and the oysters were delicious. That evening, we celebrated Cheris' birthday by having her family over and hanging out. The kids loved spending time together and we laughed and chatted and ate and drank and laid around and it was a wonderful Saturday.. The next day we went to church and then hung out at my parents' house with my sister and nephew and grandparents for the afternoon. That evening we had friends over to grill and swim at the pool. We had thunderstorms during the afternoon, but the storms cleared in time for us to have fun by the pool.
Monday evening was the first cub scouts meeting of the fall. Samuel attended his very first meeting and he was so excited! Davis fussed over him and helped him with his uniform and told him he would guide him through the whole process. Michael has left Davis' den and taken over Sam's as leader. It is such a sweet thing for all of them to share.
This week was whirlwind as we had our first full week of school and after school activities. The boys are doing great at their new school and have made friends and genuinely seem really happy there. The homework is challenging, but appropriate and I really like the schedule and all that they are learning. They loved their hip hop class this week and Davis is still plugging away at the piano. As soon as the kids have free time they go straight for the legos and stay there until I call them back into reality.My dad and I were out and about as well. On Friday we drove to Wimberley and visited the Wimberly Glassworks and had lunch at Kate's Place. It was a fun day trip.
This weekend we continued the new routine. Michael will be studying an extra ten hours a week for a new certification and I will be taking on additional responsibilities. Saturday Michael studied while I cleaned the house and the kids visited my parents. That afternoon, Martha came and visited and then took the kids back tay. with her to spend the night! Michael and I had dinner with our friends and then drove up to Austin to see Rob play at the Whip In. He is ridiculously talented. It is amazing to watch him play and we really enjoyed it.
This morning Michael studied again and I got ready to be the lay leader at church. I read a reflection at church today that I will post here and I also sang a solo. Martha brought the boys to church and I was so pleased that she could stay.
This afternoon, Michael and I both had meetings, but we were home by 3:30 and played with the kids and had a nice family movie night.