Celebrity Summit New Year's Eve

The next day we were tired of getting off the ship and so we skipped St. Thomas all together and enjoyed spending a day on the ship. The kids went to the club, Michael and I went to the spa, we laid by the pool, we read, Michael and the boys participated in a paper airplane contest on the pool deck and Michael won! We tried to take a long nap, but the kids only laid there silently and Michael and I actually slept.
We gave the kids an early dinner at the buffet and then dropped Davis off at the club. We dressed up and went out on the boat for New Year's Eve and formal night. We took Samuel to see the magic show called iMagic which used lots of technology. (Davis went to see it with his friends from the club). The show was really good and Samuel was truly impressed. After the show, we took him to the club and then went out for the night with Michael.
I have to say that this was probably my favorite NYE ever. The ship really did it right. It was so fun to be all dressed up and see everyone else so dressed up. We wandered around the ship, enjoying a family feud type game in the Rendevous Bar, tasting wines in the Wine Cellar and eating dinner at the Crepes bar. We went upstairs to the Revelations Lounge which was draped in red velvet curtains and was totally transformed into a Moulin Rouge type cabaret lounge. We got great seats at a little table for two and Michael went to pick up the bucket of champagne we had ordered earlier. We heard a wonderful performance by Cabaret artist Jane Curry and then the party really began. The food was beautiful little canapés and there were hundreds of them! They had an ice sculpture and the entertainers from the ship were dressed in crazy Moulin Rouge type outfits. They mingled with the crowd and danced and swung on a swing and juggled and did acrobatics. It was really something. We counted down to the new year and drank our champagne and were on the dance floor for the balloon drop.
We quickly went to fetch the kids after midnight and let them see all the balloons before heading to bed. It was so fun!


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