Super Fun, Friend-Filled Weekend
We just had a super fun, friend-filled weekend.
We started on Friday with our friend Rob's birthday. We dropped the kids off for a sleepover at my parents' house and then we met some friends at our favorite Thai place in San Marcos and then met more friends at Pinballz Kingdom which is a funky pinball arcade in an old castle/gas station. I did lots of ski ball and got schooled in DDR by Cheris and Rob. It was a very good time.

Saturday we spent the whole day at the STEM fair. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). It was a wonderful fair with so much to see and do. Davis was presenting a video game he had created in his Codu club and both sets of grandparents stopped by to see his work. We left him there for a lunch at Cody's with Martha and Clark and then went back to pick up Davis and his friend for a play date. The kids ran around the ranch for a couple of hours and then we loaded them up and drove towards Wimberley to meet a bunch of friends at Middleton Brewing.

I had high hopes for this place, but was very disappointed. The food was slow, the back of the restaurant quite smelly, and they did not have anything except beer. Not even a low quality wine, not even club soda and we had to beg for plastic cups for water for the kids. It was great to see all of friends though!
Sunday morning, we made Valentine's and practiced instruments and I worked out and cooked and we got Things Accomplished. It turned out to be a gorgeous day with weather in the upper seventies and lots of sunshine.
In the early afternoon, we went over to my parents' house and Michael and the boys stayed with Dad while mom and I
After the book group, we drove out to Duchman Winery, where we are members, to pick up our wine, lie around in the sunshine and eat dinner at Lisina Trattoria next door. We met up with Michael, Dad, the kids and Lilly and Paul there and we had a couple of wonderful, wine soaked hours together.
Michael drove us home, late, while the kids and I slept in the car. We were exhausted from all that fun, but it was worth it!