
We are home this week. We are both working and the kids are at horse camp. Michael and I both caught Davis's cold, but aren't taking the time to feel unwell.
We had a wonderful evening on Sunday at the Duchman winery with my mom and dad and Tiffany and Keith and Kaden and our boys. We drank wine and laughed and told stories and then had a wonderful dinner at the Trattoria next door. We were celebrating my sister's birthday and my wedding anniversary.
We also had a nice evening on Monday catching up with Martha and Clark who treated us to Thai food for dinner.
We came home to hot and dry. We are only home for six days before I load up the car and head to Taos with my parents and the boys.
The two and half weeks off was lovely and made me refreshed to come back. It also gave me a different perspective. Things are changing fast around here and being gone so long gave me a clear picture of that.
I am so grateful for my family. They are truly loving and so fun.
I am so grateful for the patience that my job teaches me every day. I am learning to stay positive through adversity and to slow down. I am learning to find joy in the moment and not to rush it.
We had ranch happy hour yesterday, like we have every Tuesday when we are in town. I am so lucky to get to see my grandparents each week like that and to have built these relationships here on the ranch.
It is easy sometimes to get stuck in your life. While it has been helpful to step away and be free and selfish, it is also so good for me to come home and find joy in service as well.
I am so grateful for my life.


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