Fifth Grade Musical

I'm producing the fifth grade musical at Davis's elementary school. I was in the fifth grade musical back in my elementary school and it changed my life. I was cast as Mary Poppins and it set me on a path that led to my university choice, professional choice and life choice. I wanted to be able to create that opportunity for another child. It's a labor of love.
And I do love it. I love it so much. We had auditions and call backs last week and yesterday we all sat around and did our first read through of the script. I couldn't keep the grin off of my face. It felt so good to be back in rehearsal. I had forgotten how much I love theater. I love the process. I love music and energy.
I also really like fifth graders. They don't drive me all that crazy. I think they are smart and interesting.
I'm surprised by how much I have to give. I really know so much. I'm an expert at this, ya'll. There was this big hole in my life that has been filled up with other stuff that I'm trying to be good at- parenting, entertaining, caregiving, but I always feel like I don't have the background or education to be really good. I always feel like an amateur at life. But this, THIS, I'm good at. I know what I'm doing. I'm not the best in the world or anything, but I do know what I'm talking about. It feels really, really good.
Davis is looking at my differently now, too. He sees value in me in a non-mother related way. I like it. He has always so valued what his dad does so much more than what I do and now he is seeing another side of me.
I'm so passionate about this project. It is so much work, but I'm thriving on it. I can't wait to see these kids create characters and get bitten by the show biz bug. I can't wait to watch them grow and create and to give them the tools to really kick ass at it. It's awesome.


cheris said…
I'm so proud of you! :)
Christina said…
You may feel like an amateur at the other things you do, but you do them so beautifully, Amber. I'm so, so happy that you're back in the musical producing role you are so talented and qualified for. The school and cast are amazingly lucky to have you, and what a fabulous thing for Davis to see you making such a valuable contribution and using skills he hasn't seen you use before. I know he respects you enormously as a parent and counselor, but how great that everyone can see you as the STAR you are! xxoo, T

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