Day 13 London aka Harry Potter Day

Today was the big day! We woke up and got dressed and grabbed our wands and headed for the train. We took a tube and then an overland train and then a bus and finally, after an hour of travel we arrived at the WB Studios for the Making of Harry Potter.

From Davis's Journal:
Today we wen to the WB Harry Potter Behind the Scenes.. It told how how everything worked including hte broom. I even got to fly one! Then we saw the animatronix of Buck Beak, Hedwig and Hagrids head!
The we saw the Hogwarts Model. It looked a lot like the Great Hall (that I got to go in) and it looked exactly like the movies. We also saw the night bus, Hagrids/Sirous Black's motorcycle and the actual flying car. And at the end I got a WAND-Sirious Black's. Then we left and I went to a park.

From Michael's Journal:

Warner Brothers Studio was a blast. The site was a great mix of spectacle and production. We got a real sense of what it takes to put on an A-list movie. The sets were amazing. All the details were there and plenty of people there to explain all the different aspects of film-making. It is a tinkerer's dream. My favorite was the full live-action hippogriff (Buckbeak). You could almost believe she was a real animal. Of all the tours we did this was the most significant. The line between fantasy and reality was blurred for 5 glorious hours and the kids were totally immersed in what it takes to make a major Hollywood movie. I loved every minute of it.

From there as an encore we traveled to Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park. Sam was a star since he bought a Slytherin robe and wand at the gift shop. He didn't even notice all the smiles he got as a proper wizarding student in central London.

All in all it was a great last day on our 2-week tour. Maybe one day we can all come back and create new memories.

Cheers for now.



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