Directing a Play

I'm directing two one acts. It sort of fell into my lap. I've been wanting to get back into the theater, but it's all evenings and weekends and Michael works out of town Monday through Friday and I just couldn't do it. I had asked at the school if there was interest in a fifth grade musical, but I couldn't get anyone to go for it. I met with the academy director and sent an email to the principal, but nothing. Then I saw a volunteer request on the kids' STEM school newsletter. It was asking for someone to run the auditions for the middle school drama class. I emailed the teacher and volunteered. She told me she had to do a track event that day and could I just take care of it. I did.
It turned out that she is the english teacher and the track coach and the GT coordinator. This is the first year that STEM has offered drama classes as an elective. She has no experience with theater, but is teaching the class. She was desperate for help. It was like it was meant to be.
I ended up directing her two classes's one act plays. I go to the school from 11-2:30 and teach two periods of drama. I have kids in sixth, seventh and eighth grade. I run around town and collect props. I wrote a press release. I love the kids. It is so fun and so fulfilling. And the kids like me. They enjoy the class. It turns out that I'm a good teacher.
Of course, the plays might be awful. We've had very little rehearsal time. They had no sets, no help, no budget. They have no theater, no auditorium, no support. But I'm trying to steer this train from my humble "volunteer" position without stepping on the drama teacher's toes. Our shows will be on Nov. 30th. Until then it's almost all rehearsal all the time for me.
The interesting news is that the principal told the drama teacher that if she wasn't interested for next year, then did she think I might be willing to teach the classes. We shall see...


Christina said…
Those kids (and that teacher!) are SO DAMN LUCKY to have found you in their midst. I know the work is huge, and yes, the plays may be awful, but what joy those kids and their families will have, and what doors you might be opening for a talented kid. WONDERFUL!!! Keep us posted on all! xxoo T

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