
This is a post simply because I need to record it here, in our family's history.
Last week, the country voted Donald Trump as president elect. Everyone was shocked and stunned. The polls did not predict it. I was emotionally destroyed and so, apparently, was all of my Facebook feed. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but it didn't matter.

Here is some of the Facebook stuff I posted. I can't write about it here, because I don't have emotional bandwidth to write more on it.

Before the election results:
I'm all tied up in knots about this election. I'm with her. I want to feel hope. I don't want to feel divided from others based on who we vote for. I am so proud and respectful of my republican family and friends who voted with their conscience and chose not to vote for Trump. I feel this great divide these days. I hope we can come together after this election and hold on to the values we share, remember that social justice might not be good for our wallet, but is fabulous for our soul, show respect to everyone no matter what, and get things done in order to build a free, loving, healthy country for our children. I am a liberal democrat who loved Ann Richards and Jake Pickle, chose Dukakis in her mock election, voted for Kucinich and Bernie and desperately wanted an Elizabeth Warren/John Stewart ticket. I didn't get what I wanted either. But I have hope for our country and love for all of you.

After the election results:
I feel heartbroken. He will be our first president without government or military experience. I feel like our country is full of people who value money and their own welfare over others. I feel like people just used their vote to say that sexism, racism, misogyny, and bullying is okay. I still have love for everyone. But I can't find my hope right now.

A few days later, and after terrible acts of bigotry and hate by people in our country:
This is worth a read, I think:
"If you're a Trump voter who is tired of being called a bigot, if you say you voted for him based on gun rights or economic issues, or because you think Hillary really was that awful, and in spite of his rhetoric, rather than because of it, I believe you. If you're in my life, I clearly don't think you're a vile hateful person. But if you're now watching protests across the country and you don't understand why, or think they are just being sore losers, let me break something down for you. These people aren't just angry or sad that someone they didn't support won the election, they're scared.
They're black Americans who hear talk of law and order and remember a racially charged stop and frisk program, or see an emboldened KKK holding a celebratory parade.
They're Muslim Americans who worry that spitting in their face is now okay and violations of their rights to assemble and their rights to privacy are about to come.
They're LGBT Americans who fear not just of the loss of marriage rights or restaurants gaining the right not to serve them, but of an administration that thinks it's more important to research electrocuting the gay out of them than AIDS.
They're Hispanic and Latino Americans who are scared their children will be bullied in schools, and their families ripped apart while their culture is mocked.
They're women who are wondering if we've normalized groping, and if their career endeavors will be judged by their face and body, and not their minds
I believe you when you say you didn't vote for any of these things. Most of America wasn't thrilled with the choices we had in this election. But If you didn't know that this is why they're protesting, if you think it's really just about free tuition or more government giveaways, then you, like the elite liberals you love to castigate, have also not been listening. If you're tired of being called a bigot, then you need to use the same voice you used on Tuesday and speak out against these things fully and clearly. It's not enough that you didn't say them yourself. You need to reassure your friends and family members who feel like they no longer have a seat at the table that you still stand with them, even if your priorities were different on Tuesday. If you aren't willing to do that, then you have no right to call for unity." - Michael Rex

And a comment on that:
At UU church today, I heard the message reiterated that all humans should be treated with inherent dignity and respect. I am really working on remembering that and standing by my values. I respect everyone's inherent dignity no matter who they voted for. I also feel like I need to stand on the side of Love for those who are scared. Understanding fear and how that motivates us is a way for me to understand and find empathy with both sides.


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