Drama Productions Semester 2

My drama productions were last weekend. I directed two one acts. There was one for 5th period, (Law and Order: Nursery Rhyme Unit) and one for 7th period (Bottom of the Lake).
I rehearsed with them all semester from auditions to production. The kids are wonderful. I started going in twice a week, then three times and as we got closer to production, I went in five days a week. I did this all as a volunteer because I love sharing my passion of theater with the kiddos. It was a great way to get involved with the school and meet the teachers and learn the culture. It was crazy hard, and frustrating and rewarding and fun. And now it's over!
Michael was out of town again during dress and tech rehearsals and my friend who was going to watch my kids after school while I ran those rehearsals was in a car accident, so my kids and hers just came along with me.
It was a crazy day. But it still went fine. We were in a wonderful facility and the high school theater techs that worked with us were a godsend.
Friday night's show was Law and Order and it went very well, getting lots of laughs. The scene changes were rough, but it was like a play within a play, watching those middle school kids figure out where to put everything and organize themselves.
Saturday, Michael was in town and Suzy and her kids joined us. That was fun as this was the only of the four productions I've done this year that Michael or a friend came to see. The actors were wonderful and though we had some bobbles with lighting, it also turned out well.
I will miss the kids so much, but I'm doing a summer camp this summer and I hope to work with them again.
I am thrilled to have my days back and my time.
Big project loom on the horizon and I am very busy. Plus summer is in two weeks!!!!
I only have a few pictures as the photographs taken during the performances haven't made it to me yet, but here is what I have. It was a joy!


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