Michael's 46th Birthday

We celebrated Michael's birthday over several days. Last weekend, my mom sent Michael a gift certificate to Fluvog and so we left the kids at home and went downtown to the Fluvog store and got Michael two amazing pairs of shoes. He had so much trying them on and choosing. That evening, we went out to dinner with our neighborhood friends at an Irish Pub. We celebrated a week early, because we planned to fly to Texas on his real birthday and spend the weekend with friends and family there. Unfortunately, Hurricane Harvey happened. The category 4 hurricane swept in on Friday night and cancelled our plans. We gave up our plane tickets on Thursday and so Michael's birthday the next day suddenly became an empty spot on the calendar. I asked him what he would like to do and he chose a movie (Dark Tower) while we were all at school and then Thai takeout, Catan, Rose' wine, and lots of fancy non dairy ice cream with the neighbors. I was all about that and we had a lovely evening.
Tonight we will set up the movie screen and watch an outdoor movie in our greenspace. I'm so disappointed about the hurricane and not being with my family this weekend, but we are making lemons out of lemonade and having a nice weekend. Gotta celebrate my sweet husband!


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