Davis's Birthday (He's 13!) and Easter

For Davis's birthday, we took him to Hamilton on Friday night and then dropped him off at his friend Kai's house for a dual birthday sleepover. (Not at my house! I win!) He and Kai have birthdays very close and are very good friends and share the same friend group so it was perfect. The next morning, we rolled out of bed (so tired!!!) and loaded into the car with some of the neighborhood kids and drove to the movie theater to meet Davis and the sleepover kids for "Ready Player One". This is Davis's favorite book in the world. It has inspired a deep love for the 80s and video games and he has read it over and over and over and over again. He was very excited to see the movie. We all trekked in and saw the movie and when it was over I passed out cupcakes in the lobby for all to enjoy. Then the sleepover kids went home and Davis and all the neighborhood kids made their way to the Varsity Inn, a local arcade and pizza place. Our neighborhood parent friends also came and we handed our quarters to the kids, ordered beers for ourselves and proceeded to hang out. This was Davis's real birthday and he was so happy.
That afternoon the kids played and played and the adults congregated at my house for Catan. It was fun for all.

The next morning was Easter Sunday. The easter bunny had left lots of treats in the Easter basket. The kids enjoyed those and then we made waffles and got dressed for church. We took three neighborhood kids with us. Church was a big deal this week as it was our flower communion, Easter egg hunt and the dedication of our new church building.
We came home and I threw together lunch and we all got ready to host a party. I had bought cascarones and a piñata and Sam spent several hours stuffing plastic eggs with candy and money. Michael and I hung our lanterns from Vietnam on the porch, swept and pulled out the ping pong table and put out drinks and snacks and music. At 3PM the neighborhood showed up and we had massive easter egg hunt. The kids ran around like crazy, adults sipped cava and smashed cascarones on each other's heads. Then the kids demolished the piñata. (The older kids took over pulling the rope.) It was fun for all.
We ended the evening with Indian take out on the couch, exhausted. It was a great weekend, but I was homesick. I missed Texas and the ranch and spring and my family so much. It was so hard to be away from them. But we did our best to live it up and enjoy the place we are.
And I think we gave the kids a great weekend. We do love our friends we have made here in the neighborhood, so much.


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